To register for a meeting or workshop, you must complete the following steps:
Click this link to begin the process.
NMRI has switched to using to log into NMRI profiles. Returning Members who already have a NMRI profile must complete the following steps:
Click this link to begin the process.
The Office of Minority Health Research Coordination of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) has established a communication network of current and potential biomedical research investigators and technical personnel interested in minority health research, including individuals from traditionally under-served communities: African American, Hispanic American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islanders. The major objective of the network is to encourage and facilitate participation of members of underrepresented population groups and others interested in minority health in the conduct of biomedical research in the fields of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, digestive diseases, nutrition, kidney, urologic and hematologic diseases. A second objective is to encourage and enhance the potential of the investigators in choosing a biomedical research career in these fields. An important component of this network is promotion of two-way communications between network members and the NIDDK. Through the NMRI, NIDDK will elicit recommendations for strategies to enhance the opportunities and implement mechanisms for support of underrepresented population groups and others in biomedical research. The NMRI will advance scientific knowledge and contribute to the reduction and eventual elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities.
Limited Travel Awards of up to $600 for eligible members to attend the NMRI Annual Meeting are available. Awards will be given with priority to those that (1) have never participated in a NMRI meeting, (2) are junior faculty up to the Assistant Professor level and (3) are presenters of an abstract at the NMRI Annual Meeting poster session. Limited Travel Awards of up to $1,000 for eligible senior members, Associate Professor and Professor level, to attend the NMRI Annual Workshop is available. Awards to Senior members will be given with priority to those that mentor NMRI members (s).
To be eligible for membership and be considered for a travel award, investigators must meet the following criteria: (1) be at the post doctoral level or higher; (2) interested or actively conducting research to address health disparities and advance health equity; (3) conducting research in the fields of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, digestive disease, nutrition, kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases; (4) be a U.S. citizen or have permanent resident status.
All participants are encouraged to complete an enrollment form. This information will be forwarded to NIDDK staff for review. Should you be determined eligible for Membership, you will be notified by the NMRI Program Administrator.
You will be able to register for current workshop only during open registration period. Workshop registration tab will not be displayed when this period is closed.
Information entered on Member Profile tab can be accessed and updated at any time regardless of registration period.
If you have any additional question, please do not hesitate to contact the NMRI Program Officer.
Winnie Martinez
II Democracy Plaza, Room 9215, 6707 Democracy Blvd, Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone: (301) 435-2988